来自网友【黑须乐】的评论想象中,很不同。想象之中,一切都和后来不同。——《想象之中》许嵩Ursula在疗养院和医生Kellet用愤慨的语气对话时,我瞬间就想到了这句歌词。Ursula坚定认为,只要我能记住这一切,那回到过去重活一次时,我一定能改变那一切。原文对话如下: Dr.Kellet: You thought you'd been here before. Ursula: And you believe me. Or are you pretending? K: Anything's possible. That's what gives me hope. I heard you lost a brother in the war. U: I didn't misplace him.I didn't put him down and forget where. He was murdured by some other poor chap in a killing machine. K: I lost my son in the war. I do feel as though I misplaced him and he's liable to show up again any time. But as you said, he was killed. U: How do you go on? K: Amor fati - a love of fate. Nietzsche(尼采) was drawn to the concept. Did we ever talk about that? U:I hope not. I was ten... K: It means simple acceptance of what comes to us, regarding it as neither bad nor good. "Werde, der du bist," as he would have it. Do you know what that means? It means "become who you are".Nietzsche got that from Pindar who put it rather better. "Become such as you are, having learned what that is." U: I'll tell you who I became. K: Yes, why don't you? U: A corpse. A corpse among corpses. K: But you are breathing, so your anology is highly inaccurate. U: If I have been here before, and if I'm coming again......next time, I'll do so much better. I keep thinking, if I could just remember..." It's maddening not to remember.But if I could just remember, if I could just get there soon enough...... K: Get where? U: Munich. If I could have gone to Munich soon enough, I could have changed everything. K: You couldn't. Because the world is the world. U: I hate it. I hate it there. I miss my brother. K: You have no choice. But. we have no choice. U: You have no choice. 那晚,Ursula走向了天台,走向了Teddy. 死亡是她的选择。但我想,她要的,是像过去一样能改变自己的机会。雪花片片飘落,这一世,她没有给粗鲁亲吻她的男孩机会,而是一巴掌甩过去。她主动要求学习打枪,罐子在她的瞄准之下一个个跌落。她去往慕尼黑,掏出手枪,在餐厅里爆头希特勒。没有废话,动作干净利落。但,雪花再次飘落。二战还是发生了。Teddy的飞机还是坠落了。只不过这一世当她听闻Teddy的死讯时,忍住了眼泪、愤怒与恨意。这也许就是宿命。这个世界有它自己的宿命。Ursula改变了个人婚姻走向,经历过幸福和不幸的婚姻,也在前世里拥有过小孩,但每一世,空袭炸弹都会在不同时间不同地点落下来,砸中她。她只是不明白,纵然是死,为什么不能有个好的结局?为什么总是在隐隐不安中等待什么到来,却又不给她任何机会记住一切从而避免重蹈覆辙?在结尾,Ursula还是坐上了去往London的火车。她无法预计这一世战争何时结束。但她似乎流露出一点期待的笑容。因为不管怎样,总会有失去和得到,她和Teddy是确实而真切的度过了很多自由而快乐的时光。她有一个总叫她Little Bear的父亲。姐姐的笑容,Izzie对她的鼓励,母亲的关切,都是他活在这个世上的羁绊。就像结局之前,一家人在切蛋糕时的拌嘴场景,Ursula仍然认为,即便大脑里似乎留存着很多未完待续的情节,但life after life, 她依然会选在这个家庭。不幸和幸福,战争与和平,造就了如今的她。从哲学上说,她的幸福也来源于不幸的经历。而活在当下时,只有一次生命,也许这一世的Ursula, 会更好的把握住机会。