来自网友【zystrivego】的评论前半季episode1-6Bobbie驾驶Julie心心念念的RazorBack逃离The GUANSHIYIN木卫一上继续用木卫三的儿童做变种人实验,木卫三上出生的人带有抑制protomoledule的基因Anna,被秘书长找来写演讲稿Cotyar died in the Agatha King,which is infected with the protomolecule, and the only way he can defend against it is to overload the ship'sThe crashed Eros begins to reconstitute itself as it emergesfrom the crater it made. 后半季 Chrisjen Avasarala has now risen to the top of the ranks at the UN, with Errinwrightjailed as a traitor and Sorrento-Gillis resigned. Nauvoo变成了behemoth,Mormons恐怕要骂娘了,Drummer任舰长,Naomi休假帮助好朋友新人物,为Drummer工作,关系不错 Monica,给Roci全员拍纪录片Miller通过原分子对话Holden Jules-Pierre Mao的大女儿,Clarissa,想为父亲报仇星环防御机制:限速Holden 眼中寂灭的星环