来自网友【昂昂万里】的评论人群中闪闪发光的两个人第六季其实也很精彩,但完全没办法超越第五季。S5不仅是TGW的历史上,在整个电视史上都堪称经典了,巅峰了属于是。第六季Alicia一直在竞选州检察官,不是在去竞选的路上,就是在为自己干净竞选而辩护;Cary从第一集开始就意外被捕,直到季中才得见天日,最后还是连累了戴安和凯琳达,为他作了伪证。不知道为什么,戴安和Alicia两个好人角色,不如David Lee、Louis Canning以及毕肖普的私人律师Charles Lester那样来得印象深刻。难道像Alicia一样,也有“坏男孩综合征”?反正这几个角色一出来立马就有了精神。Canning这季差点死掉,接受了肾移植,垂死之际还差点把Alicia送到沟里去(给哈马斯捐钱),Alicia坐在昏迷的Canning病床前,说自己可能对“bad boy”格外关注。凯琳达的退出写得不好,算是个败笔,但Charles Lester还是逼得她不得不再次出面。伊莱依旧精彩。E18本季以主线故事为主,案子退居二线。印象最深的是戴安为保守党进行的一次模拟,婚礼策划师拒绝为同性伴侣服务的那集。这集有《了不起的麦瑟尔夫人》前夫哥(左二)出镜。E3另外一个重磅客串是第3集“Dear God”里的Robert Sean Leonard,扮演牧师。看到他第一个想到的是《豪斯医生》。死亡诗社片场照但Robert Sean Leonard早在1989年就与威尔-加德纳的演员Josh Charles合作过《死亡诗社》(Dead Poets Society),可惜威尔斯人已逝,没能看到两人再次同框。甚至Gloria Steinem本人亲自出镜都不如这个客串。E10《汉密尔顿》两演员倒是同框了,似乎助理检察官Pine女士要发展故事支线,但等到季终也没等来。盘点每集的精彩时刻和台词吧。S6E1 The Line最有意思的是毕肖普的手下Dexter Roja拿来一袋子钱给Cary做保释金,只要1.3 mil他却拿了1.5,最后一脸无辜往外掏钱的样子。Cary与普利马警探的对话:Cary: This is harassment!Detective Prima: No, it’s worse. It’s inefficiency.Marissa吐槽伊莱的新办公室:Marissa: I liked your old office better. This is more like a dentist office.Eli: We’re saving money.Marissa: I thought Chicago was corrupt. Can’t you just steal more?伊莱还在怀疑Peter办公室的实习生,而此时关于这位实习生的内裤谣言满天飞,伊莱于是威逼手下去问个清楚:I can’t ask her. It’s sexual harassment…. Come on, Nora. You can bring up panties in a much more efficient and less offensive way than I can.(结果是Marissa直面人生)S6E2 Trust Issues在有关Cary的种种新闻之后,律所接了Chumhum夫人所面临的员工集体诉讼案。戴安加盟Florrick/Agos。Diane: Well, we have another problem.Cary: Oh, good. More.毕肖普对Alicia说她需要一个有门的办公室(You need an office with a door.)多义词的运用:Robyn: What did she want?Alicia: She wanted me to run.Robyn: Run where?Alicia: I have no idea.(哈哈哈哈往哪跑)有人试图贿赂Alicia时,伊莱微笑:People think you’re important enough to bribe.S6E3 Dear GodCary案的证人死的死逃的逃。律所接下与农业有关的种子案。法官叫错名字:Let’s go, Mr. Schmidt… I mean, Mr. You.Alicia谈起《杀死一只知更鸟》:Yeah, that book created a lot of lawyers.S6E4 Oppo ResearchAlicia最终决定参选,对手研究发现了她很多潜在问题:黑帮客户,扎克让妮莎流产,弟弟欧文与已婚人士交往,妈妈在商店打了别人家的小孩,芬清晨从她公寓离开被人拍到照片,Peter那系不牢的裤带。Alicia接近绝望:Alicia: What about Grace? What did she do? Turning tricks after school?Eli: Well, actually…Alicia(一脸惊恐)Eli: No. That was a joke. Grace is good.Alicia: Christianity: 3. Atheism: 0.Alicia与伊莱对话二:Alicia: I just don’t think it lasts. Good news tends not to last.Eli: And that’s what I like about you. You’re always looking for the bad.Alicia与伊莱对话三:Eli: You’re a brand now. Saint Alicia.Alicia: Eli, I wish you would say that with at least a hint of irony.Eli: No. Irony is dead now. You’re campaigning.欧文听说自己老妈在百货商店打别人家小孩子笑得要死。Alicia当着欧文的面谈老妈的问题,而欧文的问题却可以私下谈。Veronica: Wait, why does Owen get privacy and I didn’t?Owen: Because mine’s way worse. They just discovered the body.S6E5 Shiny ObjectsCarrie Prestion此前演过True Blood,里面的吸血鬼酒吧叫”Fangtasia“。Elsbeth Tascioni回归,以她为中心的一集。剧集很弱但Elsbeth永远是女神。Elsbeth Tascioni法庭陈词:Didn’t the misbehavior of the Mr. Other CEO Guy just sensitize you to not letting Camilla do the same thing and encourage you to say never again?Alicia对Finn: If I fall, you’ll catch me?Finn: No. I’ll be plummeting with you.律所被黑客攻击,伊莱:Why are all the computers here counting down? I feel like I’m in a Bruckheimer movie.(布洛克海默作品有《惊魂六十秒》《国家公敌》《世界末日》等)S6E6 Old Spice继续上集的职场性别歧视案,法官还是“In my opinion”那位。Elsbeth与Josh Perotti有了激情一晚。Judge Lessner: This was a supreme waste of time.Elsbeth: In your opinion?Judge Lessner还说不出Landrusyshym这个名字。Howard Lyman有可能加入Florrick/Agos时,又听到了戴安的魔性笑声。Diane: Well, when one is pursuing excellence, does timing really matter?S6E7 Message Discipline第三方Prady加入竞选。Finn带来更多不利于Cary的证据,Castro立志要搞死Cary。Johnny: We think a third candidate’s joining the race.Eli: I thought we were going to ease her into it.Johnny: I changed my mind.伊莱:Alicia, you’re not writing a poem. You’re practicing politics.S6E8 Red Zone凯琳达的即将离开,这集她违背了毕肖普的命令,没有将卡片放在拉娜的包里。从这里开始一直以为她会被杀。Alicia应欧文的请求去帮助他的一个学生,诉另一个学生性侵。正当Alicia建议受害者起诉学校时,Canning再度出场,这回不但坐着轮椅,还戴着氧气面罩,“I'm disabled”戏码上演到了极致。Alicia: Are you dying?Canning: Everybody’s dying.Alicia: Are you dying now?另一些精彩台词:Cary: It’s hard to be the defendant. Don’t ever do it.伊莱:Oh, great, because rape is never controversial.S6E9 Sticky Content愚蠢的竞选广告,Prady打扮成恐龙,因为DINO = Democrat In Name Only;Alicia看到了皮特与Ramona约会的照片,难道他是她女儿的亲爹?到第六季两人还没离婚,当真厉害。Alicia: Were you sleeping with her in Highland Park?Peter: I’m not sleeping with her now.——论一种巧妙的否定。And I won’t stand beside you. Not again, Peter. Not in a million years. So… don’t listen to me. Keep lying to me. I don’t care. But do listen to your political instincts. You want to be reelected? You want me to be elected? Then zip up your pants, shut your mouth, and stop banging the help.——什么叫掷地有声。Marissa再次试图用牛奶投喂Alicia。这部剧永远不缺少这种幽默时刻。Johnny: We have a problem.Alicia: I would expect nothing less.S6E10 The TrialCary的案子终于进入最后庭审,雪上加霜可以翻译成“when it rains it pours”;法官Cuesta却在忙着搞演唱会的票,为了他的结婚纪念日。Geneva Pine好像和普利马警探有私情,《汉密尔顿》的华盛顿也来客串,没有后续,莫名其妙的故事线。Alicia和女儿开了个玩笑却在学校引起了轩然大波,“Did you threaten to kill a teacher with a knife?”。伊莱多次警告她不要随便开玩笑。Eli: This is a nightmare. The only bad people to have in your life are teachers. I’d trust assassins over teachers.Marissa神补充:This is my childhood. People ask why I turned out the way I did.Cary与法官:Cary: I did nothing wrong, your honor.Judge Cuesta: You’re in my court, young man. That means you did something.S6E11 Hail Mary坐牢也有顾问,Cary这集就雇了一个。凯琳达求毕肖普未果,于是准备伪造证据。在她刚刚找到普利马以前的搭档警察时,不知情的戴安已经用伪造好了的证据帮Cary脱罪。隐患埋下。得知Cary好消息的Alicia吻了Elfman,她的竞选助理。Judge Cuesta: You know you only have four hours left, Counselor.Diane: I do, Your Honor. It’s very dramatic.Geneva Pine: Objection. The defense is trying to manipulate your affection for the dramatic, Your Honor.Judge Cuesta: I know she is, madam ASA. And yet, I do love the dramatic.Judge Cuesta: This case is dismissed with prejudice… You’re free to go, Mr. Agos. With our apologies.——这些法官刻薄起来非常好玩。S6E12 The DebateAlicia与Prady在厨房的非正式辩论,非常精彩。Alicia上任后的策略是放松对毒品的打击。辩论场外,一名黑人死于过度执法。皮特和他的团队致力于制止因判决不公导致的暴乱。律所接了Chumhum夫妇的离婚案。回到律所的Cary感慨:I’ve missed this. All the usual disasters.伊莱和他的黑人助理Nora:Nora: Yup. Black people just can’t help themselves, can they?Eli: I’m not saying you’ll riot.Nora: Oh, thanks.Eli: Well, you’re not like other… people.——伊莱是个明目张胆的种族歧视者。Chumhum老板Neil Gross被律师惹毛了:Half my life is about lawyers these days. And just when I think I have reached bottom, the ninth circle of hell, there is always a circle lower.——引用但丁“地狱是九个同心圆”的梗。S6E13 Dark MoneyColin Sweeney的杀妻传闻被拍成了电视剧“Call It Murder”,所以有了诽谤名誉案。诽谤案不成立,Alicia在剧中发现Chumhum的商标出镜多次,构成商标侵权。用魔法打败魔法,逼对方和解。Alicia的竞选组官方推特账号@TobyZiegler44,是致敬《白宫西翼》。Marissa向Colin Sweeney介绍自己:Marissa: Hi. Marissa. I’m the bodywoman.Colin Sweeney: Really? The whole body? Or just parts?——论变态的思维。贵为州长夫人也难免被骚扰,Guy Redmayne是个恶心人。S6E14 Minds's Eye不太一样的一集,大部分发生在Alicia的脑海里,对可能发生事情的设想。与Prady的竞争比分很接近,Alicia要接受一次重要面试。她设想了面试的多种场景,如何回答问题,以及伊莱、Elfman和Marissa对自己表现的反应。还看见了一个无家可归的扎克,“Why am I being used as an example of what not to do? I’m at Georgetown.”;以及皮特和凯琳达的“奸情”,“We don’t talk this way, and you know it.”哈哈。Canning的健康急转直下,这不是想象:Alicia: I don’t believe you.Louis Canning: Obviously, because you’d have more compassion if you did.Alicia: You use compassion like it’s a currency, Mr. Canning.S6E15 Open Source3D打印枪支致伤致残案。在此之后,另一部剧《梅塞德斯先生》中就有人用3D打印的枪支混进法庭并打伤了反社会分子梅塞德斯先生。伊莱要Alicia攻击皮特在任时的职场种族歧视。Alicia: Which issues?Josh: Doesn’t matter. Pick one.Marissa: God, this is like high school.Canning没有投Alicia的票:Louis Canning: I voted absentee.Alicia: Thank you.Louis Canning: No. Against you.Finn与Cary再次见面,分外眼红:Finn: “Still got some hard feelings there, Cary?”Cary: “You mean from you trying to put me in jail for 15 years? No, no. That’s ancient history.伊莱对Alicia:I hate these silences, Alicia.S6E16 Red Meat竞选日,Elfman和Alicia之间有一种尴尬的气氛,上集结尾两人又接了个吻。皮特埋怨Alicia攻击他:Peter: So you don’t personally think I’m a racist, but saw political advantage in calling me a racist?Alicia: Let’s just get through this. Then we can go back to you using me politically.——挺喜欢看这两人唇枪舌剑的。戴安跟Kurt去打猎,进了保守派的巢穴,“If I were to set off a bomb in this room, we’d have democratic presidents for the next 30 years.”。并且认识了Reese Dipple,即RD。Kurt: I thought we said three days no work, just fun.Diane: We did! This is fun. Aren’t you having fun? You hunt deer. I hunt clients.Kurt: But which head are we going to mount over the fireplace?S6E17 Undisclosed Recipients竞选成功的Alicia回到律所办公室,并接到各方对她副手的人选意见:Castro、毕肖普和恶心人Guy Redmayne。伊莱教她:Thank you for your advice. All options are open to me. I plan to decide in the next 48 hours.本集案子在法庭外,非法下载电影中的电影方和网站方两边试图和解。网站方纠集大批黑客,律所的电子邮件也全部流失。Alicia过去四个月因为忙于竞选没受波及,但如果是过去两年的电子邮件,那么至少她和威尔那些情意绵绵的邮件将被公之于众。律所里人人都在背后说过别人的坏话:Cary: I think an apology is in order.Diane: From whom to whom?Cary: Take your pick.Cary: It’s not a pretty picture when you see what people really think of you.Alicia: I don’t think it is really what people think of you. I think sometimes you just have to let off steam and say something nasty.Cary: And sometimes the nasty thing is what people really think.Alicia: I need you to do me a favor.Marissa: Sure. What? Shoot you now?还有伊莱那些永远经典的句子:Absence of yes times time equals no. That’s the law.Oh, don’t ‘Hi, dad’ me. You’re supposed to be keeping her in line.S6E18 Loser EditAlicia对付电子邮件曝光的后遗症;戴安接了同性伴侣被拒绝服务的模拟案子;凯琳达伪造证据东窗事发,她向Finn寻求法律帮助。R.D.: Diane, you brave soul.Diane: How am I brave?R.D.: A liberal lawyer in this lion’s den of conservatism.Diane: A lion’s den is perfectly safe when you have God on your side.特别喜欢戴安在这集辩论中的逻辑,比如对方提出在蛋糕上写“让所有基督徒去死”这样的字眼,是不是等同于拒绝同性伴侣。戴安回答说这是拒绝一种仇恨言论。特别严密。S6E19 Winning UglyAlicia和伊莱阻止重新计票。戴安发现了凯琳达伪造证据的事,也知道自己犯了法,居然是David Lee劝她们去自首。检方那边再次提出”反水毕肖普否则指控戴安人等“,这次律所方面不再坚持,Cary和凯琳达都为对方着想,决定自己冒险。精彩台词:Spencer Randolph: Politicians use statistics like drunks use lampposts—more for support than illumination.Judge Glatt: The Cary Agos case. There have been more remakes of this case than Spider-Man.(Cary的案子反反复复,简直像一部又一部的蜘蛛侠电影)Finn: Well, I worked in that office and Bishop could cure cancer and wipe out world hunger and they’d still want him.伊莱:Life…sucks.S6E20 The DeconstructionAlicia还没就任就不得不辞职。因为沟通有误不能回律所。名声已经不好,是个”damaged good“了,以前的客户也留不住,看样子又要从头开始。案子方面,一个老太太因为持有26片某种药物被判刑,讽刺之处在于,如果她真吸毒,就会被送往戒断机构,正因为不吸毒所以要入狱。戴安最后及时发现那些药片被一切两半,所以一共只有13片,结果无罪。有些法律条款好生奇怪。倒霉了一季的两个人:Alicia: And you’re not worried about my situation?Cary: What, a voter-fraud scandal? You mean after I almost went to jail for six years?David Lee拍RD的马屁:R.D.: Call me R.D.David Lee: R.D. Simple. American. I’m a conservative too, sir.Diane [经典的戴安表情]: Really?David Lee [与戴安表情相对应的无辜但愚蠢的表情]: Yes.Alicia和Grace一起看老电影《杀死一只知更鸟》,也是美好一刻。S6E21 Don't Fail无所事事的Alicia在给竞选资助者们打电话时发现了一个以前的客户,六年前他们赢了伤害案,却因为受害者最近的死亡变成了故意致死案。Alicia本不想接这个案子,介绍给了Finn,然而Finn却因为太忙不能接,他鼓励Alicia继续做律师的工作:Alicia: I can’t take another failure.Finn: Oh, well, then don’t fail.没有了来自伊莱或Marisa的轻松时刻,这集显得相对沉闷。Matan挖苦Alicia:Sorry about the election. People can be mean at first, but they’ll forget soon enough. In a few months, it will be like it never happened. Just like Peter. 反而激励了她。当发现六年前的证词有伪证时:Amber: That doesn’t seem right.Alicia: I know. But it’s legal.——见证了Alicia这六年来的变化。法官Dunaway虽然不喜欢Alicia,但还是看穿了Matan的企图:Matan: We do not hold the recent election scandal against Alicia Florrick at all.Judge Dunaway: Of course. That’s why you brought it up. So it won’t be held against her.S6E22 Wanna Partner?据说那个随便关人的Homan Place在芝加哥真实存在,并且现在仍在运营中,可怕。Alicia/Kalinda重聚是电脑合成的,真是够了。Alicia对皮特即将竞选总统的反应:Yikes.Alicia对到处找凯琳达的Charles Lester:If you could take five steps back so I could close the door.到了律所发现名字又变了:Charles Lester: You know it seems that every time I come up here, this place has a new name.Diane: Oh, we like to keep you on your toes.Charles Lester感叹女人不再温柔:What is it with all these tough-talking women? You know a word you don’t hear very much anymore? Demure. How about bringing that one back?