来自网友【德智体美劳】的评论2007年,做了4年FBI反恐审讯的Dan Jones接受参议员Feinstein的委托,展开了对CIA在911事件后对被拘留者执行的极端审讯的调查。调查发现,CIA委托的顾问公司对被拘留者施行了惨无人道的审讯方法。被极端审讯者有119名,其中多人死于非命。而CIA在2008年已经确认了极端审讯方法的无效性并禁止其工作人员使用此方法。CIA还在自己的工作报告中承认,至少四分之一的被极端审讯者甚至不应该被拘留。参议员要求Dan将整个过程总结成400页的报告,用于向公众发布。在调查和争取报告公布的过程中,经历了无数CIA,议会和白宫之间的利益博弈明争暗斗。报告最终于2016年发布。看这部电影,我被女参议员圈粉。她集中体现了Greater leader的所有优秀品质。(PS:我写这部电影的观后感,基于一个正面角度。我认为,讨论阴谋论党派斗争没有特别大的现实意义。)高尚的道德观和价值观我把最重的篇幅放在这一点,以我浅薄的认知,我发现能被下属死心塌地或者真心实意追随的,最终都归结于Leader在大是大非前的道德品质和细微之处展现的价值观,是积累起来的经得住推敲的敬重。事件的关键点,是CIA在911事件后采取的新的审讯方式(enhanced interrogation)。这种新的审讯方式只有被证明有效,也就是能从被审讯者处获得阻止恐怖袭击的有用信息,才是合法的。但因为它其实是无效的,而CIA却采取并坚持使用这种方式,最终本末倒置。CIA为了维护自己行动和决策的正当性,编造谎言证明新的极端审讯方式有效。很多人认为,无所谓有不有效,CIA只要是为了阻止恐怖事件再次发生的所有行动就都是合理的。“You know, Dan, a lot of people in this country felt the CIA was justified in doing whatever they had to do to keep us safe.”比如,CIA的女工作人员在餐厅和Dan Jones的对话:女CIA: "You and that report are garbage. You weren’t there, so you don’t know what worked and what didn’t or what we were up against, you may not realize, but we were trying to protect this country from people who want to destroy everything we believe in. "Dan Jones: "You may not realize it, but we are trying to do exactly the same thing. ”在白宫幕僚长登门拜访帮总统辩解,试图大事化小,小事化了。参议院Feinstein说:“Maybe the way to solve the problem is to hold people accountable. Do you ever wonder why history repeats itself? Well, I think maybe it’s because we don’t always listen the first time. The question we are asking is not whom to blame but who is going to clean it up? So let’s do that.仇恨和恐惧 vs 底线和良知。参议员坚持守住底线和良知。完整引用她最后的演讲,并划重点,无需多言。“Over the past six years, a small team of investigators pored over more than 6.3 million pages of CIA records to complete this report.It shows that the CIA's actions a decade ago are a stain on our values and on our history. The release of this 500-page summary cannot remove that stain,but it can and does say to our people and the world that America is big enough to admit when it's wrong and confident enough to learn from its mistakes.Releasing this report is an important step toward restoring our values and showing the world that we are, in fact, a just and lawful society.There are those who will seize upon the report and say, "See what the Americans did?" And they will try to use it to justify evil actions or to incite more violence. We cannot prevent that.But history will judge us by our commitment to a just society governed by law to face an ugly truth and say "never again."而另一位参议员的发言完美回答了人们的质疑:“ At the end, torture’s failure to serve its intended purpose isn’t the main reason to oppose its use. This question isn’t about our enemies, it’s about us. It’s about who we were, who we are, and who we aspire to be. It’s about how we represent ourselves to the world. Our enemies act without conscience. We must not. ”“问题的关键是我们自己,我们曾经是怎样的人,现在是怎样的人,以及我们期望想成为怎样的人。蒙蔽良知,我们和恐怖分子没有区别。”聪慧:参议员Feinstein的领导力,还在于快速看穿问题本质和抓住博弈关键点的能力上。比如几次关键提问:§ “你是在指控CIA杀死了被拘留者?”§ “如果waterboard(极端审讯的其中一个方法)有用的话,为什么要在一个人身上用183次?”§ “美国的纳税人付了这个咨询公司多少钱?”“超过8千万美元。”在Dan有意泄露了CIA对特殊审讯方式的内部调查报告之后(CIA内部的报告Dan本来是没有权限获取的),她对Dan说:”if I wanted the public to know about the Panetta review (CIA的内部报告) I would have told them myself…..if it was a whistle-blower, you may have just exposed them. Not to mention yourself. “ Dan铤而走险,但也很有可能使得CIA借此机会以反间谍法终止调查,并将自己置于危险之中(有可能判超过20年的监禁)。这是参议员一直没有公布这份CIA内部报告的原因。果然,CIA借Dan泄露CIA内部的调查报告,而要求马上终止调查并取消Dan的职位。Feinstein反将CIA一军,“John, are you saying that you broke into the computer system of the United State Senate?” 因为,CIA进入参议院工作人员的系统并监察参议院的工作信息是更大的隐患(CIA有可能成为斯*大*林时期的克*格*勃 。)最爽的对话发生在CIA被指控侵入参议院电脑系统后,白宫幕僚长来到Feinstein参议员的家里灭火。幕僚长说:“Senator, the people at the agency - they have families. There are children who might lose a parent. “Feinstein说:“Years ago, some radical group put a bomb in the flower box outside of my daughter’s bedroom window, right out here. Had it been any warmer out, it would have exploded. And then there were the times that I found Harvey Milk shot to death in his office. I think I’m aware of the risk of public service. “潜台词是,别跟我来这套,老娘是被吓大的。择时再怎么意志坚定也需要审时度势。CIA在媒体上声称是对被拘留者的新的审讯方式使他们获得了抓捕本*拉*登的关键信息,与事实大相径庭。参议员打电话 “this is a crucial moment in our nation’s history. I want to make certain that the Agency isn’t manipulating it to sanitize their own past actions. “ 秘书说会将参议员的担忧转告给相关人士。参议员显然对这个官方答案失望,但没有再坚持,她知道在那个时刻无法得到白宫的支持,因为总统刚刚在CIA的支持下获得连续参选下届总统。国务亲打电话要求延迟报告的发布,因为有可能会对打击ISIL的联盟产生负面影响,大使馆可能会受到攻击,人质可能被杀害。她决定延迟报告的发布。担当和坚持前文提到,在调查和争取报告公布的过程中,经历了无数CIA,议会和总统之间的利益博弈明争暗斗。在CIA和白宫的双重阻力下,她坚持不妥协,最终使得报告公之于众。在和CIA负责人的对话中,Feinstein参议员据理力争,要求CIA给Dan Jones相关信息和资源的获取权。在筛选什么信息被纳入进报告,她不惧实名。在CIA给了Dan Jones谎话连篇的争辩后,叫停CIA和Dan的对谈。当Dan的报告80%被black out,Feinstein和白宫幕僚长据理力争要求公布人名和地点等关键信息,否则这份报告毫无意义。在白宫会议上,Feinstein提出讨论虐囚报告的发布。幕僚长说:“Let’s just think, how many countries there are in the world where a report like this could even get done.” 潜台词是:各位知足吧,能让这样的报告出炉已经证明了我们国家的伟大。Feinstein回说:“I would like us to be more than the country that did the report. I’d like us to be the country that made it public. And that is what I intend to see happen. “我想,这也是为什么,在报告有可能不能公之于众,而Dan有机会将自己的报告交给纽约时报登载的时候,选择了相信参议员和自己工作的意义。识人Dan的工作,在无窗的地下室为办公室。这本来只是1年的工作,但到报告发布时,持续了6年。没有约会,没有周末,工资微薄。不讨好还极端危险惹人恨。Feinstein能选择Dan从事这项艰巨的工作绝非偶然,一定有她慧眼识人的原因。比如她的秘书,也是极端聪明且忠心耿耿。虽然只是配角,在这部2小时的电影里出现不超过15分钟,但所有观众都看得出来参议员Feinstein才是酷刑报告能公之于众的最关键人物。所以,Great Leader都是不需要站C位的C位。