来自网友【Catherine】的评论太绝了太绝了太绝了!近期看过的最佳之一-I want to find a deer-What will you do if you find it-I will bury it-It was here somewhere. There was a bang. We hit it and then it limped away固执的母亲,不负责任的父亲和一个敏感的孩子It was like there was something strange in the house, not mum but a wild animal. I was frightened and I begged her to stop, crying, and she fainted. I remember the density of the air, like we are underwater. This feeling that something was broken. Not the taps, something else电影里的每个人都在逐渐溺水,缓慢窒息,发出微弱的求救声。Elliot 看见的那只不存在的跛脚鹿,Bea 努力维系的生活,clement修来修去的车你可以看到未来的一些事情吗?他看见他渐渐沉到水底导演真的很绝,把内心逐渐的绝望完全拍出来了。摄影配乐无话可说。几位演员也非常棒,全程都收着演,很克制但是情绪爆发点又完全展现。平静的绝望。之前看过Alex的the end of the fxxxing world, 他好漂亮,好适合演这种敏感神经质的角色。最后Elliot 没有自杀我觉得已经算是happy endingDid you see a deer limped away?这句话完美表达了我对离别的看法。生活还会继续,我会遇到新的人和新的经历。只是偶尔会在不经意的瞬间想到过去的一些事,心里会忽然堵住,就像是在南法度假时在森林里瞥见的那只跛脚而去的鹿一样。